Rockingdean Studio

Monday 16 September 2013

Village News

Hi There

At Rockingdean Village we have seen some big changes this year with the development of our outside space being turned into a garden. A project called LandTribe is undertaking it, checkout more info on

So far we have erected a hydropnic grow wall, put in a Raingarden and have started constructing a Geodesic Dome for a Live Room, Nursery and workspace. Once those are completed we will put in a clay pizza oven and all combined will blend well with our existing recording studio. All combined will offer a unique studio and small venue where we can host exhibitions, workshops and pvt functions seasonally. This project will be launching at the studio in Spring 2014 but the studio is operating already should anyone want recording. 

Well this is the hello part of Rockingdean Village existing on the net so watch this space for more in the near future.

Till then

Be Well and email Gary should you be interested in studio time or space      

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